Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Civility is defined as courtesy, politeness; a polite act or expression. A few observations about civility:
- The world works better with more civility.
- Civility is something each of us can choose.
- We can choose civility at any moment each day.
Nothing could have been further from the truth. While it is true that Fred Rogers was simple, sweet and innocent, he was also powerful, transforming and riveting. His principles were few in number and easy to understand.
- Everyone is unique and perfect just as they are.
- Be fully present with everyone you meet.
- We all need to learn to experience all of our emotions in constructive ways.
There may be more, but these three were obvious.
Imagine how different the world would be if everyone mastered these 3 simple principles.
Judgment, hatred and violence would disappear. Mr. Rogers invited people to notice and voice their anger and then suggested banging the low keys on the piano to get rid of it. He knew that we all get frustrated and angry from time to time but that holding it in or taking it out on others isn’t the best way to deal with it.
Love and respect would grow as people really listened to, understood and accepted each other. Mr. Rogers had that effect on the people in his life. One line was especially poignant, “Do you know what is most important from me to do right now? he asked. “Be here with you” was the answer. Wow! Despite all of the busyness of life, he took the time to truly get to know everyone he met.
Mr. Rogers will touch your heart and inspire you to be an even better neighbor.