What is “The Line”?
One of the most fundamental skills everyone who seeks to improve is called “shifting from below to above the line”. It is so important that we will invest in a few posts in order to make the concept clear.
Imagine a horizontal line that defines your basic attitude toward all feedback. Feedback is a wonderful thing. You might think of it as life’s early warning system. Feedback tells you what is and what is not working in your life. Notice that you are getting feedback all of the time. The bathroom scale gives you feedback about your exercise and dietary habits. Your physician gives you feedback as to how well you are taking care of your body. Customers give you feedback about your products and services. Drivers give you feedback about your social and driving skills.
Feedback gives you the opportunity to learn, change, and grow before things get worse. The bathroom scale is not your enemy. You can ignore its feedback only so long before the consequences of being overweight take a larger toll. This is true of every area of life.
Your choice is to be either above or below the line. When you are below the line you are resisting or dismissing the feedback life is giving you. You don’t like what you are hearing. You don’t want it to be true. So, you either bury your head in the sand and ignore it or you become defensive. Notice that getting angry or throwing out your scale doesn’t really solve your problem!
Your other choice is to be above the line. When you are above the line you are open to life’s feedback. It might not be easy to hear but you believe there is something to learn and you are eager to embrace the lesson. Your angry customers are your friends. They are telling you where you need to improve in order to stay competitive in your business.
We will go into more detail about above and below the line in the next two posts. For now, it is important for you to notice if you spend more time above or below the line. If you aren’t certain, ask a few people who know you. It might lead to very interesting conversations.
Please send any thoughts and reactions to me at [email protected]