Becoming Aware of Yourself: Independence is the First Step Toward Greatness
Every snowflake is different…and every snowflake is beautiful! How magnificent is that? Isn’t it also true of people? There never has been and never will be another you. You are unique! And to the extent your uniqueness shows, you are beautiful!
But isn’t it our way to hide our uniqueness to succeed in life? Don’t you need to wear the clothes that the “in” people wear for your friends to accept you? Don’t you need to live in the home that others want, to become the envy of your peers? Isn’t it more important to be included by your friends than to be your own person?
Your answers to these questions determine your degree of Independence. The pressure to conform to the expectations of others is enormous. It comes from friends, bosses, teachers, coworkers, even life partners and children. Everyone has their idea of what you should think, what you should wear, and how you should behave.
Growth in greatness requires moving in the opposite direction. You must become a much better student of yourself, your dreams, likes and dislikes, values, thoughts, and preferences. You can’t be yourself until you know yourself. You won’t show yourself until you value your independence more than you value the benefit of fitting in.
Which is more important to you? Who do you trust more for your success in life, your friends/boss/teachers or yourself?
If you see any benefit in getting to know yourself better, consider starting a journal. Take 5 minutes each morning and evening and write down something you learned about yourself. It could be something as small as the kind of sushi you like and don’t like or your favorite color. Don’t edit. Write whatever comes to mind. Get to know the most important person in your world…you! I am not encouraging selfishness or narcissism but self-discovery! It is the very first step in discovering your greatness.