Introduction to Humility

Humility is the third of four fundamental development areas of The Circle Blueprint—which you may have read, but which is not entirely essential. There are also workbooks for the other three fundamental development areas (Independence, Power, and Purpose), and you may wish to also work through the first two in order and then move onto the final one after completing the Humility Workbook to fully develop your Circle Blueprint. The system in this workbook is intended for anyone with an interest in developing a higher mastery of the element of Humility. People who develop a mastery of Humility have an accurate view of their qualities and skills but keep their benefits and drawbacks in perspective.

Humility Consists of Five Factors:

  1. Modesty: Lacking the need to have your accomplishments seen or valued by others.
  2. Narcissism: Preoccupation with being and feeling superior to others.
  3. Self-Monitoring: Being able to see oneself as he or she truly is and understanding how to effectively interact with others.  
  4. Self-Esteem: Having a level of regard for oneself.
  5. Tolerance: Being able to accept oneself and others as well as the situation one is in.

The Circle Blueprint provides in-depth explanations of these factors, but this overview should give you the gist of it, and the results of your assessment, or even honest self-reflection on these issues, will let you know where you may need further development or better balance.

Specifically, the assessment results provide descriptions on our “Thriving Scale.” On each factor, you should have a score.

  1. I am hanging on by my fingernails. Despite all I have accomplished, my life isn’t good at all.
  2. I am eroding. I’m not desperate, but my life is a grind and does not seem to be headed in a positive direction.
  3. I am treading water and just sort of enduring my situation. My life isn’t bad, but I would not say it is good, either.
  4. I am growing. My life is on a positive trajectory. Certainly, it could be better, but I am reasonably satisfied and optimistic about the future.
  5. I am thriving. I am creatively engaged in my work and life. I am at the top of my game. I feel energized, balanced, healthy, and happy.